I dragged Shane to see Sydney White this weekend (thank you Sweetie!). It was a really really cute movie based loosely on Snow White. It's about a girl going off to college and learning to just be herself. Without revealing too much, it's a feel-good movie. :) and hubby says "a chick flick". There is one scene where several of the "non-dork" characters reveal their inner dork-itude. We were talking after and I told Shane he's not a dork. He said "I enter and win chess tournaments". Well, I guess if that doesn't qualify you as a dork, I don't know what does! In the spirit of dorkiness though, I thought I would reveal some of the things that perhaps you may not know about me. I was on the Yearbook staff in high school (and a bit in college), I was also on the Scholar Bowl (Quiz bowl) team, and JETS (Junior Engineering Technological Society or some such) where the whole point was to competitively take tests. Okay, so I was a nerd in high school, but what about now? I'm probably, okay definitely, still a dork, but show many fewer symptoms. Perhaps I am quelling my inner dork? Here are my most dorky things now. I play Neopets, I subscribe to GAMES magazine (crosswords and other puzzles), my favorite movie is still "Princess Bride" although I haven't watched it lately, I enjoy photo manipulation and making cards and fliers, I am the Membership Vice President of my local MOMS Club. I also sing in my church choir, volunteer when I can with TN Organization of Deaf-Blind, work part time with children between birth and 3 who have developmental delays, teach at church, and do my best to be a GREAT mom to my two kids. I don't know what of that qualifies me to be a dork, but I DO know that it's fine to just be who I am.