Monday, February 25, 2008


So, I am trying to diet and exercise. It's not going so well. Not a New Year's resolution, there is a program going on in my town. One of the local Dr.'s offices is holding "Pleasant View's Biggest Loser". I have an official card and everything. They are having seminars and food specials at some of the local restaurants. I haven't dieted in a while, and am not doing wonderfully. I really LIKE to eat! So I went to the nutrition seminar the other day, and the speaker talked about the diabetic "carb counting" diet being really one of the best ways to eat. I'm trying. Mom came for my birthday this weekend and we went to Outback, so that was my "free meal" for the week, where I don't have to count. Then we had lunch at church yesterday, and my m-i-l came over with leftovers. Let's just say I had to count the whole day as "free". Oops. SO my main thing I'm doing is writing down all that I eat. It's tedious and hard to keep up with, but it makes me think about what I'm putting in my mouth. I haven't given up.


Cainan & Ryker said...

As someone who has been there and done that...still doing it, actually...I understand. I did Weight Watchers so I had to keep track of points daily and look foods up in the little booklet, etc. It was a royal pain but it really worked. It definitely made me realize just how horrible I was eating. I found walking each night to be not only good exercise but a nice break too. Now that I've lost 30 pounds and 3 pants sizes I have so much more energy and i can work out even harder. (Kickboxing 3 days a week.) I still have to really watch the food but I can splurge more often (every weekend) with out it making a difference. Hang in there. It is worth. You'll be so proud of yourself in the end. (Also, drink lots of water. It is a royal pain too, but it is easy to do and makes a big difference.)

Jenny said...

Good for you for going for it Deena. I am in the same boat, and started more seriously about the same time as you. I've only lost about 6 pounds, but it's a start.