Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Labor Day

In honor of Labor Day, some questions about MY labors. :)

How long were your labors?

C: 7 AM- 1:45 AM the following day. So... 18:45?

B: is a bit more subjective. I was IN LABOR for sure at about 3 AM, we got to the hospital about 4 AM, and she was born at 7:28 AM. But I was pretty sure she'd be coming that weekend at about noon the previous day. I just wasn't sure how quickly.

How did you know you were in labor?

C: They induced at 7AM, but I wouldn't say I "labored" until early afternoon, 2 PM or so? That's when it got bad enough that I needed an epidural.

B: See previous. We went to bed at midnight, after sending C to grandmother's house. I woke up at 3-ish with contractions that were about 5 minutes apart.

Where did you deliver?

Dr. Shali Scott delivered both of them at Baptist Hospital in Nashville. It was a great experience both times. The delivery nurses were superb, and the genuine caring for the patients was obvious in just about everyone. And I got an upgraded room with B, because they ran out of space in the regular rooms! (My doctor has since left practice, at least for now, to be a stay at home Mom. How cool is that?)


Yes, with both. C, I waited until it hurt too badly for me to do anything but cry. B, I had an epidural right away because we knew she was coming. They bumped a C-section anesthesia to get me first. :)


Nope. They both had some heart rate dropping issues, that caused a C-section to be considered, but it was not necessary in either case.

Baby Weights?

C: 9lb 1/2 oz

B: 8lb even.

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